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Dr. Peter Wyse Jackson,
President of the Missouri Botanical Garden

Dr. Peter Wyse Jackson

Dr. Peter Wyse Jackson is the president of the Missouri Botanical Garden and George Engelmann Professor of Botany at Washington University in St. Louis, MO. Born in Kilkenny, Ireland, Wyse Jackson obtained a B.A. (Mod.) in botany and an M.A. from Trinity College Dublin, where he subsequently obtained a Ph.D. for work on the taxonomy of Irish Cruciferae.

As one of the world’s foremost and best known botanists and plant conservationists, Wyse Jackson has played an influential role in reshaping and leading the international botanic garden community over the past two decades. He has worked extensively with botanic gardens and their network organizations worldwide, helping to establish or develop botanic gardens and other organizations in over 30 countries. He played a lead role in the development and implementation of the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation, adopted by the U.N. Convention on Biological Diversity in 2002, and has been chairman of the Global Partnership for Plant Conservation since 2004. He was co-author of the International Agenda for Botanic Gardens in Conservation, now endorsed by some 500 botanic gardens.

His publications include twelve books and over 250 scientific papers and other articles. His most recent book, Ireland’s Generous Nature: the past and present uses of wild plants in Ireland, was shortlisted for the international 2015 Annual Literature Award of the Council on Botanical and Horticultural Libraries (CBHL). His recent research includes work on plant conservation, Irish ethnobotany, botanic gardens development and management and international biodiversity conservation policies.

In St. Louis, he is a member of the Board of Trustees of the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center, a member of the Board of Commissioners of Tower Grove Park, a member of the Board of Webster University, an Ex Officio Trustee of the Academy of Science St. Louis and an ex officio member of the St. Louis Regional Chamber. He is an honorary member of the St Louis and Ladue Garden Clubs.

Convention Co-Hosts

Northern California
Daffodil Society

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